A student from South Carolina said: As someone who’s always struggled with math, this SAT Prep Course was such a help to me. With this course I was able to bring my SAT math score up 80 points! I was so amazed by the dramatic increase in my understanding of the problems as I was taking the test.
Curriculum: The SAT Course utilizes four full-length practice tests that were written by the College Board and are available free of charge.
How the course works: As a math teacher, it's easy for me to make a problem look simple! Just watching me explain concepts won't help your student to improve their test scores. This course is set up so that the student first completes a practice test to the best of their ability and then they watch a recording on which I work and explain each problem they attempted. If they see that they got it correct and did it the way I demonstrate, then it reinforces their prior knowledge. If they have the correct answer but did it a different way, it may be that by seeing my solution they are able to tweak their strategy so that they are able to complete the problem in less time. And, of course, if they have the wrong answer then the explanation I give allows them to see how far into the problem they were when they made a mistake. They are able to identify exactly what is was that they thought/did when it began to be different that took them down the wrong path. This allows for the maximum benefit! If they just saw me work it, they would likely think that they would know what to do. But by comparing what I do with what they actually did - they learn more than they thought they needed to know! It is the comparison of the way I solve it with the way they solved it on their own that allows them to learn how to approach a problem differently in the future.
Instruction: On these recordings, Mrs. Barnett models the correct problem solving techniques and helps students to recognize and apply the skills necessary to solve each problem. High School Math Live prepares students for standardized tests by teaching thinking skills, reviewing math concepts, and introducing testing strategies.
The SAT exam has two math sections, one that uses a calculator and one that does not allow a calculator. The HSML SAT Math Prep Course has a total of 4 complete practice exams, each with calculator and a non-calculator portion, and there are 8 corresponding Solutions Recordings.
Try it for free - this is one of eight sections of the HSML SAT Prep Class.
Click here to download Test 1A. Complete the test, and then click below to watch the Solutions Recording.
Click here to view the Solutions Recording for Test 1A.
Option 1: Recordings Plus Feedback
Students will have 3 months of unlimited access to the practice tests and recorded instruction. In addition, they email their answers to Mrs. Barnett and she scores their tests and monitors their progress. Mrs. Barnett will be a "personal coach" providing encouragement, feedback, and suggestions for improvement.
Option 2: Recordings Only
Students will have 3 months of unlimited access to the practice tests and recorded instruction. However, they do not send their answers to Mrs. Barnett for scoring, monitoring or feedback. (Students will be able to score their own tests based on the answers presented in the recordings.)
Curriculum: The SAT Course utilizes four full-length practice tests that were written by the College Board and are available free of charge.
How the course works: As a math teacher, it's easy for me to make a problem look simple! Just watching me explain concepts won't help your student to improve their test scores. This course is set up so that the student first completes a practice test to the best of their ability and then they watch a recording on which I work and explain each problem they attempted. If they see that they got it correct and did it the way I demonstrate, then it reinforces their prior knowledge. If they have the correct answer but did it a different way, it may be that by seeing my solution they are able to tweak their strategy so that they are able to complete the problem in less time. And, of course, if they have the wrong answer then the explanation I give allows them to see how far into the problem they were when they made a mistake. They are able to identify exactly what is was that they thought/did when it began to be different that took them down the wrong path. This allows for the maximum benefit! If they just saw me work it, they would likely think that they would know what to do. But by comparing what I do with what they actually did - they learn more than they thought they needed to know! It is the comparison of the way I solve it with the way they solved it on their own that allows them to learn how to approach a problem differently in the future.
Instruction: On these recordings, Mrs. Barnett models the correct problem solving techniques and helps students to recognize and apply the skills necessary to solve each problem. High School Math Live prepares students for standardized tests by teaching thinking skills, reviewing math concepts, and introducing testing strategies.
The SAT exam has two math sections, one that uses a calculator and one that does not allow a calculator. The HSML SAT Math Prep Course has a total of 4 complete practice exams, each with calculator and a non-calculator portion, and there are 8 corresponding Solutions Recordings.
Try it for free - this is one of eight sections of the HSML SAT Prep Class.
Click here to download Test 1A. Complete the test, and then click below to watch the Solutions Recording.
Click here to view the Solutions Recording for Test 1A.
Option 1: Recordings Plus Feedback
Students will have 3 months of unlimited access to the practice tests and recorded instruction. In addition, they email their answers to Mrs. Barnett and she scores their tests and monitors their progress. Mrs. Barnett will be a "personal coach" providing encouragement, feedback, and suggestions for improvement.
Option 2: Recordings Only
Students will have 3 months of unlimited access to the practice tests and recorded instruction. However, they do not send their answers to Mrs. Barnett for scoring, monitoring or feedback. (Students will be able to score their own tests based on the answers presented in the recordings.)
SAT Recordings Plus Feedback
SAT Recordings Only
Contact us: 832.630.3321 [email protected]